Friday, May 7, 2010

The Flavor Bible

As I become more interested in culinary arts, I feel a growing urge to bring creativity into my food rather than just following recipes. However, I have always felt that one of the challenges of creating unique foods from scratch is the unknown. How can we possibly know what flavors go together and which ingredients combine to create a culinary catastrophe?

The answer appears to be in The Flavor Bible....figures. This book is pretty remarkable. It is basically a flavor encyclopedia complete with ingredient combinations and flavor affinities (tried and true mixtures that work well together).

For instance, everybody knows that lamb and mint go well together. But I would have never guessed that lamb, cinnamon, and prunes are in a compatible flavor group. The book contains almost 400 pages of flavor knowledge that promises to be extremely useful for the adventurous cook. If you are interested in going off-book and starting to develop new dishes, I would definitely recommend checking it out.

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